You asked, we answered.
How do I know which division to register for?
Our Club Portal will automatically filter your player into their age-appropriate division based on their year of birth.
What equipment do I need to purchase for my player?
For U3 and U4 team uniforms and a soccer ball will be provided, please ensure your player has running shoes, a water bottle, and a peanut-free snack if they would like one.
For U6 and up to U18 all players will be provided with a team uniform and ball, but your player must bring soccer cleats, shin pads, a water bottle, and a peanut-free snack if they would like one. ** Players without cleats or shin pads may not participate on game days as per OSA guidelines.
What if my child decides they no longer want to play?
We offer a refund schedule, click below to find out more information.
How do I know what nights and times my child plays soccer?
If you visit click the Divisions tab, all the information you need for that division will be on that page.

My child wants to play with a friend from school or in our neighbourhood, how do I arrange that?
Awesome! When you register your player, there is a notes section at the bottom of registration that will allow you to enter all the names of the children you would like your player to be paired with. You can also request a specific coach or preferred field. The convenors try their very best to pair friend requests together but there is no guarantee we can make this happen, taking into consideration coach, field, and sibling requests while we roster teams.
Why does registration start so early?
A lot of planning for our season starts when there is still snow on the ground simply because of equipment and uniform orders that take a lot of time, as well as needing to book City field space and team photo's which is always limited space for the specific time of the year in which our season runs. Starting early helps us accommodate and include as many players as we can.
My child would like to ref and/or be a lines-person as a summer job, how do we sign up?
If you click on the Roles tab, all the information you need for these positions will be on that page.